2025 Summer MJSP (Musashino Japanese Studies Program)
Short term
Short term
MJSP is an exclusive program combining classroom study and experiential learning outside the classroom, to learn more about the Japanese culture and enhance communication skills in Japanese. The program will also offer exciting opportunities to interact with Japanese students, and experience Japanese traditional culture, such as yukata wearing and handcrafting.This year, the special program will be newly offered to discover issues in Japan and learn together through group work and fieldwork with our students.
Throughout the program, participants will deepen their understanding of Japan as well as improve their Japanese language skills.
Please share "URL for application (for student)" with the applicants only after the nomination is approved.
【STEP1】*参加学生/Participating Students
日本語レベルチェックテスト/Japanese level check test
【STEP2】*協定校担当者/Partner University staff
3月31日〆切 ノミネーションシート送付
March 31:Deadline of Nomination sheet submission
To <lc_jpn@musashino-u.ac.jp>
【STEP3】*参加学生/Participating Students
4月21日〆切 オンライン登録
April 21:Deadline of online application